Who Can Apply?

Scholarship Stipulations

  1. The recipient of a scholarship from the Alexander Christian Foundation must be a member of the Christian Church or Church of Christ (Independent) in the State of Oregon.

  2. The recipient will be one (man or woman) who desires to serve in some church-related vocation.

  3. The recipient must be a candidate for a church-related vocation or one who is currently pursuing such a course.

  4. The recipient must attend a school affiliated with the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ (as listed in the *Directory of the Ministry - A yearbook of Christian Churches and Churches of Christ).

Explanation of Scholarship Amounts

The Basic Grant

The Basic Grant scholarship is awarded for one year, but not to exceed four years for undergraduate studies at a Christian college. This Basic Grant is to be applied toward tuition, room and board, fees, or other costs payable to the institution. Once a student is awarded a Basic Grant, he/she need not re-apply. The ACF does require a statement from the student indicating their intent to enroll in school each year along with a transcript of grades.

Other Grants

The ACF is in the process of raising funds to enable the Foundation to award more grants, varying in amounts and duration.

Scholarship Termination

The stipulations for receiving an Alexander Christian Foundation scholarship are binding throughout the recipient’s education for his/her church-related vocation. The Directors of the Foundation reserve the right to terminate the scholarship if a majority of them feel that the recipient is not respecting and fulfilling these stipulations.

The Directors of the Foundation reserve the right to terminate a scholarship for what a majority of them believe to be academic incompetence, immorality or unbecoming conduct on the part of the recipient of an Alexander Christian Foundation scholarship.

*College List (2021)

  • Alberta Bible College

  • Blueridge College of Evangelism

  • Boise Bible College

  • Bushnell University

  • Carolina Christian College

  • Central Christian College of the Bible

  • Christian Institute of Biblical Studies

  • Christian Kingdom College

  • Collegio Biblico

  • College of the Scriptures

  • Crossroads College

  • Dallas Christian College

  • Emmanuel Christian Seminary

  • Great Lakes Christian College

  • Grundy Bible Institute

  • Hope International University

  • Johnson University

  • Kentucky Christian University

  • Lincoln Christian University

  • Lincoln Christian Seminary

  • Louisville Bible College

  • Manhattan Christian College

  • Maritime Christian College

  • Master’s International School of Divinity

  • Mid-Atlantic Christianity

  • Mid-South Christian College

  • Midwestern School of Evangelism

  • Milligan College

  • Northeast Ohio Bible College

  • Northwest College of the Bible

  • Ozark Christian College

  • Point University

  • Saint Louis Christian College

  • Summit Christian College

  • Summit Theological Seminary

  • TCM International Institute

  • William Jessup University

  • Windward Islands School of Evangelism