Make a Difference

Ministry education is a vital part of preparing individuals to serve their communities and congregations. By supporting the ACF or Oregon, you can help equip tomorrow's leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to make a positive impact on the world.

Scholarship Donations

Money donated to ACF goes directly to scholarships for ministry students.

Give a Scholarship Donation

Golf Tournament Sponsors

Our annual golf tournament relies on generous individuals and businesses to be successful. This is ACF's main fundraising event.

Endowment gifts

A portion of funds raised are deposited into an Endowment Fund. The goal of the Endowment Fund is to to grow an interest bearing account that will eventually fund scholarships in perpetuity. Gifts given directly to the Endowment fund are appreciated.


Volunteer Opportunities

There are a variety of ways you may help. Let us know if you are interested in working with our board of directors, the golf tournament, fundraising, or marketing.